Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Interesting pics of Polaroid items

Haha, decided to do something different this time round. Will post some interesting items about Polaroid i found recently.

Polaroid Cardboard Box

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Personally love this alot. A cardboard box that is shaped like a Polaroid SX-70. Cool! Can be used to keep Polaroid pictures or other small items! However, doubt it is still for sale, if not i want!!

Polaroid Chair

Haha, a chair that looks like the Polaroid One Step Camera. Very big right? Quite cool to have it in my house too. *Drools*

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Lego Polaroid

Using Lego to make into a mini Polaroid One Step Camera with Q-light flash. OMG!! If it can be made into a ring or necklace, will looks nice doesn't it? =]

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Crotchet Polaroid

Another item that is inspired by Polaroid One Step Camera. Haha with the Polaroid films too. So cute and adorable!

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Polaroid Brooch

Haha, a brooch that looks like a Polaroid 600 camera. Quite interesting too. But i personally prefer more vibrant and colourful colours!!
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Polaroid postcard

Haha.. i said i love colourful things right. Yup i love colourful Polaroids too! They are simply awesome like this postcard!

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Hope you have enjoyed! Shall post on Polaroid One Step Land Cameras soon! Stay tuned!

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